Elena Granda

I am a forest ecologist interested in the effects of global change on woody plant functioning. My research lines deal with tree responses and adjustments to biotic and abiotic factors at local and community scales. I have developed my studies through multidisciplinary approaches (comunity ecology, dendroecology and ecophysiology among others) considering the different stages of the plant´s life history, from seeds to adult trees. I have specifically focused my latest research on the understanding of the functional mechanisms behind tree decline and mortality; the potential role of functional and structural diversity as drivers of stability in forested communities and ecophysiological performance under climate stress such as drought. I am currently working at the University of Alcalá, focusing my research on the functional differences of invaded and native communities in riparian ecosystems.
The main research fields I am interested in are:
1. Forest responses to global changes and related vulnerability
2. Mechanistic understanding of tree functioning
3. Functional diversity in Mediterranean forests and invaded riparian ecosystems
4. Regeneration patterns and their relationship with biotic interactions

1. Forest responses to global changes and related vulnerability
Using several useful tools such as dendroecology, I study secondary tree growth and wood anatomy which allow for a better understanding of trees' adaptation to global changes
I have recently started to be interested in tree invasive species' responses to these changes in order to evaluate whether they are better competitors than native trees

2. Mechanistic understanding of tree functioning
Tree functioning and its study through ecophysiological approaches provide a better understanding of the mechanisms driving species to respond in multiple ways across contexts. This knowledge is specially important in the context of climate change and related dieback

3. Functional diversity in Mediterranean forests and invaded riparian ecosystems
I am interested in explaining forest vulnerability to global changes and how functional diversity can modulate current and future tree responses to such changes.
Moreover, I have recentry started to assess the impacts of plant invasion on the functional structure and diversity of invaded communities

4. Regeneration patterns and their relationship with biotic interactions
Understanding community dynamics during early life stages of trees is critical for the prediction of future species composition. In Mediterranean forests drought is a major constraint for regeneration, but not the only factor determining the recruitment. I'm interested in identifying the main filters during seed-seedling transition through experimental and observaitonal approaches.